Friday, December 30, 2011

2011 Review – 2012 Preview

This week Jerry reviews the major events of 2011 and gives his forecast for 2012. This one may surprise you! Find out more Next Week on Wall Street.

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Friday, December 23, 2011

The Holiday Rally

This week Jerry outlines a case for the traditional holiday rally to continue into next year. While still not clearly defined the Europeans may have created a loophole for their banks to fund the Sovereign debt issues indirectly with European Central Bank monies. Happy Holidays to all and find out more Next Week on Wall Street.

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Friday, December 16, 2011

Hoping for a Yearend Rally

This week Jerry lays out three scenarios for a yearend rally in stocks to occur. In addition he covers some of the pitfalls which could derail this attempt. Also discussed is the severe breakdown in gold and silver prices this week and the longer term implications for precious metals going forward. Find out more on Next Week on Wall Street.

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Friday, December 9, 2011

Markets Against Resistance

This week Jerry discusses the strong valuation of the US markets and the seasonal positive factors that are pressed against the negative winds from Europe and some other potentially difficult technical resistance patterns. Jerry discusses the value of protection and the use of exit strategies in this environment as we hope for a strong finish to the year. Find out more – Next Week on Wall Street.

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Friday, December 2, 2011

Winds of Change

This week markets staged a powerful rally from its oversold condition on news that the US Federal Reserve Bank is willing to be the lender of last resort to the European community. All the details are not worked out, but for the time being any default is once again tabled at least until a later date. This opens the door for a yearend rally and many sectors are benefiting from this potential. Find out more Next Week on Wall Street.

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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Markets in Trouble

The major market indices have broken decisively to the downside and support appears to be lower still. The reasons for the poor market performance are many. Stocks have been down six days in a row and 7 of the last 8 trading days. Is the worst over? Find out more Next Week on Wall Street.

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Friday, November 18, 2011

Rally or Bust

This week the markets broke down from some constructive fundamental and technical patterns. The US economy is hanging in quite well but pressure from Europe and China could derail our best laid plans. Thanksgiving week is usually one of the best weeks of the year. After this week’s drop – a rally could be in store. The bigger question is what happens from now to the end of the year. Find out more “Next Week on Wall Street.”

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Friday, October 28, 2011

Moving Away for the Abyss

This week Jerry describes the incredible run the markets have had this month as well as some of the risks that still exist. We are moving in the right direction but have only made a three month full circle turn. Jerry closes with a discussion about risk and how investors should view risk as it relates to their own portfolio. Find out more Next Week on Wall Street.

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Friday, October 21, 2011

Europe Still Holding Court

This week Jerry discusses the back and forth action for stocks. The world is distracted by the events in Europe to bail out their banks. Corporate earnings and economic news is mixed. This could be a case of “buy on the rumor and sell on the news.” Markets are up against resistance and are at a crossroads. Everyone is hoping for a yearend rally, the market generally does not accommodate the masses. We’ll know more Next Week on Wall Street.

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Friday, October 14, 2011

Timing is Everything

This week Jerry discusses the rapidly rising, low volume rally that the market has gone through in the last nine trading days. Economic reports continue to be mixed and news out of Europe are more positive, but the details are noticeably missing. Tech earnings have been nothing less than spectacular, but most of the earnings news is yet to come. The major indices are right at resistance but seem poised to break out. Find out more Next Week on Wall Street.

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Friday, October 7, 2011

Markets Bounce From Bear Market Territory

This week the market fell into Bear Market Territory as they were at one point down more than 20% from their April peak. Markets reversed course to finish higher for the week, but still weak none the less. Economic reports are coming in better than expected but not anywhere near levels to create a sustained market rally. Europe is talking about several plans to bail out the banks and Greece. We can only hope that third quarter earnings gives stocks the boost they need to stem the decline soon. Find out more “Next Week on Wall Street.”

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Friday, September 30, 2011

Tough Quarter

This week Jerry discusses the results of the third quarter. He analyzes the winners and losers as well as outlines his views looking forward. Find out more “Next Week on Wall Street.”

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Friday, September 2, 2011

No Jobs for Labor Day

The economic news is becoming more dismal every day. This morning’s jobs report showed that was no new jobs were created last month. Unemployment remained at 9.1% because they only count the people who are actively looking for work. When jobs are not being created many stop their search. All this just before the Labor Day Holiday – enjoy your weekend!

The overall data suggests that the economy is stalling. News from Europe is actually much worse than it is over here. Germany is slowing and Greece may be done with austerity as their leaders have had enough with their economy contracting over 5% this year.

The bond market is rallying and Pimco’s Bill Gross capitulated early this week stating that he should have owned more US Treasury Bonds. The Fed is doing battle internally as the recently released minutes of the last FOMC meeting demonstrated. Some voting members called for immediate action to restart the bond repurchase program (QE3), while others felt that even the promise to keep interest rates low until mid-2013 was too aggressive.

The fact that the first two rounds of quantitative easing did not help the "real" economy is beside the point. The Fed’s job is to protect the banking system and apparently the stock market. The Fed seems likely to use today’s weak jobs report as a reason to launch another round of easing. At least initially the bullish crowd will be happy.

The Fed appears to be running out of tools to battle today’s issues. Europe is a powder keg with potentially dangerous results coming from the mix of bad economic news and debt problems. Avoiding too much stock exposure, at least temporarily, is most likely a good idea. September and October have a history of being rather cruel to investors.

The prospects for more money printing operations coming from our Fed increases the chance for gold to continue its ascent to new all time highs. Many feel it is too late to join the gold bandwagon, but one look at the current economy and the Fed’s most likely response to it and investors have to ask – what is the Fed going to do? Nothing? Highly unlikely!

Helicopter Ben (as his nickname goes from an article he wrote years ago) has been and will remain true to his moniker. Dollar devaluation in an attempt to create inflation is his goal. Gold will likely continue to rise in such an environment.

The SPDR Gold Trust (GLD) is a good way to invest in today’s volatile environment. Fear begs for safety. Closing at $183.23 today GLD could cross $200 in short order. Use $165.75 as protection should things turn around for the economy.

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Monday, August 29, 2011

Pressing Against Resistance

Markets had their first up week after four consecutive weeks of lower finishes. The Fed put any new action on hold but left the door open to make an announcement after the next meeting in September. The economic reports continue to show deterioration and nothing has been resolved in Europe. The charts show clear support and resistance levels to indicate when investors should take action. Get more on Next Week on Wall Street.

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Friday, August 12, 2011

A Record Week for Wall Street

This week a discomfiting record was set on Wall Street as the market oscillated up and down more than 400 points four days in a row. The whipsaw market action shattered investor confidence sending waves of sell orders to the floor of the exchanges. The economic numbers were mixed, but contagion fears are growing in Europe. The final numbers on the week weren’t that bad had you missed the daily action. There are some signs of hope. Find out more Next Week on Wall Street.

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Friday, August 5, 2011

Markets Stage a Mini Crash

This week Jerry discusses the mini crash in the market that happened on Thursday. Stocks are technically broken, but that doesn’t mean that we can’t rally first. The Fed makes an announcement on Tuesday and more Quantitative Easing may be in the cards or the market could be disappointed once again. Earnings has taken a back seat to news out of Italy. Find out more “Next Week on Wall Street.”

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Friday, July 29, 2011

Rough Week on Wall Street

This week investor fear rose as they watched our political leaders of the richest country in the history of the world debate the issue of borrowing another couple trillion dollars to meet our debt obligations. Why is this happening? It’s because as a country we haven’t figured out how to live within our means. Investors shouldn’t follow their lead but to learn what to do tune into Next Week on Wall Street.

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Friday, July 22, 2011

Toying with Resistance

Markets want to go higher but unfortunately some headwinds are still causing hesitation. Investors are still waiting on Congressional leaders to resolve the debt ceiling issue. Will they get it done before the US falls into a technical default and has its AAA credit rating tarnished or will they prove inept.

Fed Chair Ben Bernanke is pumping an enormous amount of liquidity into the money supply system. Since the Quantitative Easing Program ended at the end of June, Bernanke has come up with more creative methods of putting money into our economy. He is doing his part to keep the bubble from bursting.

Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner is rumored to want to retire soon. He is furiously making the rounds attempting to push Congress to act urgently before we run short on money in 11 days. This is his one and done moment. He only needs Congress to cooperate.

The markets are not panicked. Stocks are flirting with recovery highs and the bond market is stable. Treasuries are not acting like interest rates are about to go up sharply.

Technically, stocks are at resistance and are poised to break higher should the House, Senate, and the President all agree on a comprise in time. Corporate earnings and even some of the recent economic releases have been quite positive. The trouble is other issues have been dominating center stage.

Europe may finally move out of the forefront with their Greek solution and the tempering of the problems facing other Euro zone nations. If only our leaders could agree that more immediate debt is a good solution, then we too could push our troubles off to sometime in the future.

Markets would most likely go on a tear for the second half of the year. That would coincide with what typically happens during the third year of a Presidents term. If the S&P 500 clears 1370 from it Friday’s close of 1347 – it would target 1483 or even go all the way back to the 2007 all time high of 1576.

NASDAQ is also poised to take off. It closed at 2862. There is major resistance here to 2887. Should it clear that level, the NASDAQ would target 3175 as its next objective. That would get the NASDAQ all the way back to its December 2000 levels.

Like it or not the government will raise the debt limit. If they get it done sooner the markets are poised to go higher. If they wait until after August 2nd, and a downgrade of our credit rating, then this will be a resistance point that forces stock prices lower. We will have a much better picture in a week.

Toying with Resistance

This week Jerry discusses the markets anticipation to the debt ceiling dilemma. The stock market is near its recent highs and currently stands at resistance. If Congress gets this issue resolved before August 2nd markets could stage a pretty big rally in the second half of the year. However if a compromise on the debt ceiling is not achieved in a timely manner – we may have seen the highs for a while as we would be entering a new paradigm. Get your fill by tuning into “Money Talks with Jerry Slusiewicz” today.

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Friday, July 15, 2011

All Eyes on Washington

This week Jerry examines the relationship of stocks, bonds, and Precious metals to the Debt Ceiling crisis and possible outcomes. While we are all hopeful for a positive resolution, but this is not a time to take undue risks with your money. Tune in to Money Talks for more information and get your free portfolio review today.

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Friday, July 8, 2011

No Pause

This week markets continued on a follow through from last week’s big rally. Friday’s jobs numbers would have knocked the strongest of markets for a large setback, but while markets were down Friday – they really barely flinched. Get Jerry’s historical market comparisons and his view on the “debt ceiling” issue by listening to Money Talks today.

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Friday, July 1, 2011

The Bulls are Back

This week markets charged ahead after the resolution of the Greek bankruptcy issue. The US must fall in line fairly quickly to raise the debt ceiling - it is just a matter of which party will dictate the terms. Stocks were up all five days recovering most of the losses that happened in the second quarter. There is a rotation of sector leadership taking place. Find out more on Money Talks!

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Friday, June 17, 2011

Reasons for Lower Oil Prices

Americans are about to let out a big cheer because pretty soon gas at the pump should be a lot cheaper. Oil as measured by the S&P GSCI Crude Oil Index is down over 7% today! Since its peak on May 2nd it is 21% lower. Now who says that there wasn’t a risk premium attributable to Osama bin Laden? (I believe it was just a coincidence that oil peaked the same day the Navy Seals took him out).

The amazing thing is that Americans are just satisfied that gasoline prices at the pump are heading lower. No one seems to be questioning the rate of decline. We should be outraged! Since the National average for regular gas hit close to $4 per gallon in early May, it should be around $3.16 today. However it is significantly higher than that.

Don’t give me this mega oil industry jargon about lag time for prices, crack spreads, and summer blending issues, because when the price of oil was rising the gas stations were raising their prices daily just to keep up. The rate of change should follow price in both directions.

So why are prices declining? Aren’t there multiple protests and even war zones in several of the oil producing countries? Apparently that does not outweigh the slowing rate of growth for the global economy.

Domestically all of the economic reports for the last few months point to a slowdown or in some cases a return to negative growth. Clearly the US housing market has slipped into double dip territory with prices lower today than at any point in the recovery.

The fears of inflation due to rising food and energy prices may soon get knocked off by a rising fear of deflation. Governments are continuing their attempt to stave off defaults around the globe due to lack of economic growth. Food prices may remain high as production factors, weather, and a growing global population put a crimp into supplies.

Fear is starting to grip investors and for good cause. Institutions are in sell mode. This is very evident when looking at the trading volume on down days versus the market’s rally day volumes.

Apparently investors like bailouts and other socialistic government interventionist programs that attempt to prop up markets. Collectively investors are hoping for a Greek bailout package to be put together this weekend so we can “kick the can down the road” once again.

Higher taxes and stringent austerity programs are not going to create growth for Greece. All a bailout is doing is delaying the inevitable. However as long as a Greek default is not today’s problem, it seems investors will be satisfied even though it is clear they don’t have enough money to meet their current obligations. Apparently that is just a minor detail.

Oil prices are falling – fast. Aggressive investors can capitalize by buying into the ProShares UltraShort Crude Oil ETF (SCO). SCO broke above its recent base today when it cleared $49.49. The price target for SCO applying some technical analysis techniques is $63 to a $66 per share.

Fundamentally, if the problems in the oil producing regions do not spread any further oil prices could decline. In addition should our economy continue to slog along with slow or no growth, this trade to make sense for today’s investors.

SCO is a two time leveraged inverse fund, so it is not for the faint of heart. It will move at a rate that is twice as fast in the opposite direction of oil prices as measured by the Dow Jones- UBS Crude Oil Sub-Index. Over time leveraged funds do not track an exact inverse rate – but it will move!

SCO was at $51at the time of publication. Use $44.50 as an exit point should oil prices begin to rise again and the economy begin to accelerate.

Reasons to Cheer

This week markets closed almost flat on the week depending on which index you review. Prospects for a Greek bailout package getting approved and fast falling oil prices should give investors a reason to cheer next week. Find out more by tuning into Money Talks today!

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Friday, May 27, 2011

Bullish or Bearish?

The major market indices are all down around three percent for the month of May which coincides with the amount they are off from their recent recovery highs. As a percentage that really is not a lot to be concerned about.

However a review of the most recent economic data, the picture gets a little fuzzy. A few weeks back was the ISM Services report plunged from 57.3 to 52.8. Anything over 50 demonstrates growth, but the consensus was for an improvement to 57.8 and this obviously indicates we are heading in the opposite direction. It is important to note that 80% of our economy is dependent on the services sector.

On the manufacturing side of the ledger the situation actually looks even worse. The Empire State Manufacturing Index, the Philadelphia Fed Manufacturing, and Durable Goods Orders all came in the last couple weeks at their lowest levels in many months. It clearly indicates that the rate of the economic recovery is shrinking and unless something changes, could fall into negative territory.

The Conference Board’s Index of Leading Economic Indicators reported its first negative reading in nine months falling to a negative 0.3% for April. The much anticipated upward revision for first quarter GDP fizzled as it stayed at an unimpressive 1.8% this week. That is down from the 3.1% GDP growth reported for the fourth quarter of last year.

Meanwhile housing remains at depressed levels as prices continue to fall and sales of both new and existing homes are down in the double digit levels from a year ago. This occurred while the economy was actually getting stronger.

Emerging market and the so called BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India, and China) are all down more than our markets which is causing some concerns among investors as many thought that the BRIC’s would lead the global recovery this year. With commodities off as much as they are many of these resource rich nations have fallen hard.

Still encouraging the bulls is the fact that the Fed’s Quantitative Easing Program still has a month to go. It doesn’t hurt stocks that the Fed kicked in an extra $31 Billion in the last five days to the Primary Broker Dealers to do with as they please. Rumors that another round of Quantitative Easing may occur also helped juice the markets in the last couple of days. At the very least the bad economic reports lately are pacifying all concerns about an interest rate hike coming anytime soon.

Markets had also reached oversold levels this week and were due for a bounce. How big that bounce turns out to be remains the big question. On a technical level markets paint two opposing pictures. On one hand a breakdown of the uptrend from the March 16th low has occurred – which is negative.

However another obvious pattern in the charts is that of a flag formation. Flags generally fly at half mast. This means that there is likely a case for the markets to break out of the downward flag slope and most likely rise to even higher highs for the year.

It must be noted that the Dow has been down the last six years in a row in the month of June. However, there is a high propensity for markets to rise going into three day Holiday weekends. Plus the end of the month may give the bulls some strength. So is the current market bullish or bearish? Time will tell.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

The Debt Problem

Monday before the market opened, Standard and Poor’s reaffirmed the U.S. government's top credit rating of AAA but not before expressing concern that our legislators are not move quickly enough to stop our growing budget deficit. S&P said there is a 33 percent chance it would lower the country's credit rating from AAA in the next two years if Washington fails act.

U.S. Treasury Bonds have historically been known as the safest investments on the planet. But now top money managers such as Pimco’s Bill Gross are calling our debt issuance a Ponzi scheme, where one arm of the government – the Federal Reserve Bank, is supporting the US Treasury, by buying as much as 70% of the new debt that has been issued since last September.

Many pundits are stating that this move by the ratings agency to lower its outlook for U.S. paper from "stable" to "negative" caught investors off guard. While this is a first since it began rating the creditworthiness of government bonds back in 1860, this action should hardly be a surprise. Our debt has skyrocketed over the last few years to levels only achieved during major wars.

Today the total outstanding public debt in the US is around $14 Trillion. The debt to GDP ratio is among the highest in the world. The federal deficit has approached this echelon only a few times in US history; during the Civil War, World War I, World War II, and today in aftermath of the financial crisis of 2008.

Should our government debt get downgraded in the future, we would have to pay a higher interest rate to attract new buyers. More problems would occur, as many institutions are banned from holding anything but AAA rated investments. That would force a sale of their holdings, which would result in lower prices and even higher interest rates.

As troubling as this may be for the US, the situation in parts of Europe are even more problematic. Greece and Ireland have already needed to be bailed out by the IMF and other Euro zone countries and are still reeling. Both countries have had their credit rating downgraded again in the last month.

Portugal is now and need of a bailout. Also there is speculation that Spain and Italy will need help in the near future. Should Spain require a bailout, it is estimated that the money needed would amount to the sum of all three of the previous countries combined. It can be surmised that as bad as the situation is over here with our current debt warnings, the problems are even bigger in Europe.

Friday, April 8, 2011

The Dollar Destruction

As infamous trader Jesse Livermore used to say, “Conditions are ripe for a sell off.” The litany of global problems that exist seem to be compounding every day. As if the market doesn’t care, the major indexes have spiked up over the last few weeks. It does seem odd to see such strength under these circumstances.

This week however, trading started off the day quite positive but then gave back much of it by the close. Strength in the morning followed by weakness in the afternoon is usually a bearish sign. While the S&P 500 has been up three of the last four days, we‘ve had only a fractional gain this week.

Usually the start of each month and especially the start of a new quarter is a time for strength as retirement plans of every ilk get funded and new money flows into the market. With April’s monthly strength period now over, hardly a dent has been made towards a market advance.

The strong season for the market is also coming to a close. There is historical statistical evidence that gives credence to the “sell in May and go away” concept for period investing. While markets don’t have a calendar, the November through April timeframe historically has significantly outperformed the May through October period, and May is coming soon.

Investor sentiment is running high. The recent Investors Intelligence Sentiment Survey reveals that less than 16% of professional newsletter writers are bearish and over 57% are bullish. This Bull to Bear ratio of 3.65 displays even more optimism than at the market peak in 2007.

This survey has been widely adopted by the investment community as a contrarian indicator. Since its inception in 1963, the indicator has had a consistent record for predicting the major market turning points.

Another contributing worrisome factor is the coming end of the Fed’s Quantitative Easing Program (QE2). When the Fed stops buying bonds, monetizing our debt, and pumping billions of new dollars into our economy on a daily basis, how will the markets fare? That is a big question. Currently it’s as if the economy is cycling ahead with training wheels on. What happens when they come off?

Should markets correct on anticipation of or at the end of the QE2 money pumping machine, it would mean that a market top was occurring at almost precisely the same time it did last year, which included the Flash Crash.

One of the key factors that markets appear to be ignoring today is the ever rising price of oil. High oil prices have always led to a recession. Oil is a direct reflection of a falling dollar. With the ongoing destruction of the US dollar, caused in a large part by the QE2 program, commodity prices are going through the roof. Now is a time for caution.

Friday, April 1, 2011

The New Era

Many believe that the old saying, “it’s different this time” is never true. It is widely held that situations are never completely different; they’re just another version of events with slightly divergent circumstances. History may not repeat, but it sure rhymes, is another old saw bantered about Wall Street.

It is believed that the reason market events repeat generation after generation is that human emotions of greed and fear has always been and always will be present when it comes to money and investing. Today’s technological advances may create a contradiction to those old beliefs. It has made life simultaneously simpler and more complex, and has brought an element of change that hasn’t been present in the past.

Use Major League Baseball as an example. Baseball hit upon a new era with the development of steroids and human growth hormones. Old pitchers well past their prime became Cy Young award winners. Not just one but two players broke a 40 year old home run record in the same season, only to be surpassed again within a couple of seasons.

It became known as “the steroid era.” It truly was different. Fans were enthralled at the new found power of the times. They cheered along, but the Commissioner had to know that something was up. Those feats of athleticism had never been witnessed before, but the baseball brass stayed mum because ticket sales and TV revenues were doing great.

Now many fans are shocked to find out that the game was rigged by players’ use of steroids. They must have figured that players were just eating better and working out more. But no – things were different.

Today the Fed has done the same thing. They have created a new era. They have put the money printing press on steroids. Since August, the Fed has bought 70 percent of all the new government debt issued by our Treasury. The Fed is in effect monetizing our debt and creating an artificial stimulus for the economy. Fed Chair Ben Bernanke hopes that this crutch will be enough to create confidence among consumers to become a self fulfilling recovery.

Some very well known bond managers are not so sure this new era will work. Pimco’s Bill Gross calls the Fed’s path a Ponzi scheme. Gross believes that everything the Fed is currently doing will prove to be harmful in the long run.

Investors, like baseball fans in the steroid era, are currently very happy. We just had the best first quarter returns since 1999. Since the market was actually negative for the year on March 16th, if the media really called it correctly, it’s been a good couple of weeks! The commissioner (in this case the Fed Chair) is participating in the juicing of the game so to speak. At some point all this will come to a tragic end, but for now it’s just “Play Ball!”

Thursday, March 17, 2011

The Luck of the Irish

In today’s feature the “Luck of the Irish” will hopefully mean that we can make some green (as in backs) from today’s trading strategy. The markets have been more volatile in both price and volume lately, for good reason. Geopolitical events in the Middle East and North Africa are becoming more widespread. The Japanese crisis is more uncertain with each passing day.

On a technical basis, all the major market indices appear to have broken their up trends and recent support levels. Because markets rose at such a fast past since the beginning of September, there is very little support between here and their respective 200 day moving averages. This could mean there is more downside to go before reaching next support.

There is a lot riding on the depth and duration of this correction. The primary reason the rally started was that traders felt that the Fed had their backs in a sense. As Ben Bernanke outlined his Second Quantitative Easing Strategy (QE2), many traders did a little math and recognized that $4 to $5 Billion of new money was going to move from the Central Bank to Primary Broker Dealers on a daily basis for the next nine months.

The Fed monetizing debt, while simultaneously pumping banks with a plethora of cash, gave a level of comfort to traders that the stock market would be a one way street up. Until mid February, that has been true. The VIX “fear index” dropped below levels of complacency not seen since before the 2007 Great Recession began. Optimism among both institutional and individual investors held bull to bear ratios at extreme levels for extended periods.

It almost felt like the golden age of investing was back, as the “mom and pop” investors who missed the double off the bottom over the last 20 plus months started to come roaring back in. Now that the belief that the Fed can print our way into prosperity is coming into question, a vacuum of confidence could occur.

In the near term it appears that the market has more downside to go as support has been violated. Using one of the oldest and most actively traded ETF’s the SPDR S&P 500 (SPY) to create a synthetic short position by Selling an April 125 Call for $4.24 and Buying an April 125 Put for $3.37 per contract could be profitable in this environment. In this example you start by pocketing $87 per contract immediately.

A couple of technical analysis methods point to SPY having a near term price target of $119. Two reasons: First, that is where its 200 day moving average is. Second, this run started at the end of August with SPY trading at $104.29. It reached a high on February 18th of $134.69. A normal 50% Fibonacci retracement puts SPY at $119.49.

Should this happen in a week’s time this trade could result in a profit of approximately $650 per contract. The risk comes into play should the market move up quickly. SPY closed yesterday at $126.18. Should SPY trade here or lower this will be a good trade.

If you currently own shares of SPY, employing the same strategy creates a collar on your position and is an even lower risk trade should the market recover as your exposure is limited, but so is your return.

There are many reasons to believe that the market could continue in its downward trajectory. Not only are markets ripe for a pullback, should it start to accelerate down, a generation of investors will be lost as they throw in the towel quickly and the confidence of even most astute investors could be shaken. If that happens SPY could overshoot $119 making this recommendation even more profitable.

The Real Price of Oil

Last week marked the two year anniversary of the March 9th, 2009 low for the S&P 500; it also was the 11th anniversary of the NASDAQ high of 5050 set back on March 10th, 2000. Is the cup half full or half empty? It all depends on your perspective.

The mood of the stock market has grown increasingly more downbeat over the last few weeks. It’s no wonder, as investors are facing widespread geopolitical turmoil in the Middle East and a catastrophe of yet unknown proportions in the world's third largest economy.

Almost defiantly, markets have displayed impressive resiliency. The combination of these events might have the ability to knock down any strong market. So far though it has absorbed these shocks, but markets remain vulnerable to a deeper correction.

Over the last couple of years governments have pumped money into their economies on a fast and furious basis to keep them propped up. This has resulted in a global increase of prices for food and energy. Higher food costs and lack of opportunity are the main factors causing much of the turmoil in Middle Eastern countries.

The problems over there are creating issues over here as we are seeing gas prices around $4 per gallon. Higher gas prices have the same effect as higher taxes only without any additional benefits. It leaves less money for consumers to spend on discretionary items, which could cause contraction for the overall economy.

In addition higher energy costs results in higher prices or fewer profits for most everything. Getting goods from the raw material stage through the manufacturing process to the end user will require additional cost. Already high food prices will surely continue to rise with the additional cost of shipping the goods from the farms to the grocery markets.

Unfortunately oil is the lifeblood of our society. Many daily activities require oil. From factories to farms, oil is needed as coolant or fuel. Heating homes, creating electricity; everything from lubricants to lipstick, and medicine to plastics, requires oil.

Americans consume more gasoline than South America, Europe, Africa, and Asia combined! We are gasoholics! We have an addiction with oil. Two thirds of all the oil used in America is for transportation.

With the earthquake that has devastated Japan; a huge problem for the country will be the restoration of power and water for many of their citizens. Electricity is out for millions and will take several weeks or months to restore. In the meantime, electricity would be rationed with rolling blackouts to several cities, including Tokyo.

A total of four nuclear plants in Japan have reported damaged and are offline – some permanently. There has to be a replacement for that energy shortfall. Nuclear power plants take years to build so it is not going to come from that source. Oil along with coal will be the most likely candidates as Japan will reopen some of their old non nuclear facilities. This will create an even higher demand for oil.

The battle in Libya as well as demonstrations in many other oil producing countries is a sign of instability. This could lead to supply issues and higher oil prices. There are several reasons to be concerned that our own economies fragile recovery could be derailed.

The United States Oil Fund (USO) is one of the most actively traded oil based funds on the market today. Through the use of the actively traded futures contracts, it tracks the price changes of light, sweet crude oil.

USO went up 21% in a recent three week period, only to pull back 4% last week. USO closed Monday at $40.91 and has big support in $38 per share range. With all the negative issues regarding potential supply disruptions and increased demand for oil, we could see price increases for the foreseeable future.

An investment in OIL could act as a personal hedge and help offset some of your increased costs at the pump. Use a stop of $37.70 and be hopeful that it drops to that level, because that will spell relief for American consumers. If the cost of oil continues to rise, you can expect the stock market to eventually capitulate and tumble due to the higher associated costs for almost everything else. That is the real price that we could pay for oil.

Friday, January 14, 2011

What a Run!

The markets continue their advance riding the Feds daily pumping of freshly minted billions of new dollars. The S&P 500 has now been up seven weeks in a row. That’s never happened before! Equally unique is the fact that the S&P has not fallen below its ten day moving average for thirty straight trading days. That too, has never happened before! The Dow Jones Industrial Average has also been up for seven straight weeks. Both indices have been up eight of the last nine weeks, with the S&P up 17 of the last 20 weeks in a row. That’s pretty impressive! However, that type of performance strongly argues that this powerful rally is most likely over-extended and overbought.

The major indexes are extended far over their 200-day moving averages. Usually they have some sort of pullback, at least enough to test the support of their historical averages. Even through the strongest of bull markets, normal ebbs and flows to and from their long term averages happen. We are currently overdue for a retraction. From the current levels a retracement just to the 200 day moving average would be around 11% for the S&P 500, and 14% for the Russell 2000. That would erase much of last year’s 12.8% gain that the S&P had for all of 2010.

Another interesting scenario is that of the dollar / gold relationship. The dollar was down this week, but gold was down as well. Lately those trades have moved inverse to each other. Long bonds also continued to see outflows. The biggest sector hit this week was taken by municipal bonds. Fears that state and local governments are on the verge of default, as well as fears of rising interest rates took its toll on muni’s once again. The municipal market much like real estate is very localized. Therefore not all muni’s are bad and there probably are some great deals to be had – but that is a topic for another time.

The stock market has too many bulls and too much complacency. The AAII & II bull to bear numbers are flashing record optimism. The VIX shows no fear. While the market continues its ascent we are still invested long. However something does not feel quite right to some savvy professional traders. A change will most likely happen soon. It would be wise to lighten up when some more sell signals occur and pivot points are breached.

For the S&P 500 a drop below 1250 might be a cause for concern. The Russell 2000 below 777 would trigger a defensive move and for the NASDAQ Composite below 2640 should also warrant protective action. When the majority of investors are on only one side of the trade with no concept of fear due to an imaginative Fed, sometimes unintended consequences come along that rebalance the market. Be careful – the markets are currently over-extended, overbought AND over manipulated.